

Count 45.

The Defendants ARAKI, HASHIMOTO, HATA, HIRANUMA, HIROTA, ITAGAKI, KAYA, KIDO, MATSUI, MUTO, SUZUKI and UMEZU, on the 12th December, 1937, and succeeding days, by unlawfully ordering, causing and permitting the armed forces of Japan to attack the City of Nanking in breach of the Treaty Articles mentioned in Count 2 hereof and to slaughter the inhabitants contrary to international law, unlawfully killed and murdered many thousands of civilians and disarmed soldiers of the Republic of China, whose names and numbers are at present unknown.



Count 46.

The same Defendants as in Count 45, on the 21st October, 1938, and succeeding days, by unlawfully ordering, causing and permitting the armed forces of Japan to attack the City of Canton in breach of the Treaty Articles mentioned in Count 2 hereof and to slaughter the inhabitants contrary to international law, unlawfully killed and murdered large numbers of civilians and disarmed soldiers of the Republic of China, whose names and number are at present unknown.

Count 47.

The same Defendant as in Count 45, prior to the 27th October, 1938, and on succeeding days, by unlawfully ordering, causing and permitting the armed forces of Japan to attack the City of Hankow in breach of the Treaty Articles mentioned in Count 2 hereof and to slaughter the inhabitants contrary to international law, unlawfully killed and murdered large numbers of civilians and disarmed soldiers of the Republic of China, whose names and number are at present unknown.

Count 48.

The Defendants HATA, KIDO, KOISO, SATO, SHIGEMITSU, TOJO and UMEZU, prior to the 18th June, 1944, and on succeeding days, by unlawfully ordering, causing and permitting the armed force of Japan to attack the City of Changsha in breach of the Treaty Articles mentioned in Count 2 hereof and to slaughter the inhabitants contrary to international law, unlawfully killed and murdered many thousands of civilians and disarmed soldiers of the Republic of China, whose names and number are at present unknown.

Count 50.

The same Defendants as in Count 48, prior to the 8th August, 1944, and on succeeding days, by unlawfully ordering, causing and permitting the armed force of Japan to attack the Cities of Kweilin and Liuchow in the Province of Kwangsi in breach of the Treaty Articles mentioned in Count 2 hereof and to slaughter the inhabitants contrary to international law, unlawfully killed and murdered many thousands of civilians and disarmed soldiers of the Republic of China, whose names and number are at present unknown.




Even long after the occupation of Canton and Hankow, the Japanese, while carrying on campaigns into the farther interior, committed large-scale atrocities there. Toward the end of 1941, Japanese troops entered the city of Wei-Yang, in Kwantung Province. They indulged in a massacre of Chinese civilians, bayoneting male and female, old and young without discrimination. One eye-witness, who survived a bayonet wound in the abdomen, told of the slaughter of more than 600 Chinese civilians by Japanese troops. In July 1944, Japanese troops arrived at the Tai Shan District in the Kwantung Province. They committed arson, robbery, slaughter and numerous other atrocities. As a result thereof, 559 ships were burnt, and more than 700 Chinese civilians killed.



From Hankow, the Japanese troops carried on their campaign southward to Changsha. In September 1941, the Japanese troops of the Sixth Division forced more than 200 Chinese prisoners of war to plunder large quantities of rice, wheat and other commodities. Upon their return, the Japanese soldiers, to conceal these crimes, massacred them by artillery fire. After the Japanese forces had occupied Changsha, they also freely indulged in murder, rape, incendiarism and many other atrocities throughout the district. Then they drove further down southward to Keilin and Liuchow in Kwangsi Province. During the period of Japanese occupation of Kwelin, they committed all kinds of atrocities such as rape and plunder. They recruited women labour on the pretext of establishing factories. They forced the women thus recruited into prostitution with Japanese troops. Prior to their withdrawal from Kweilin in July 1945, the Japanese troops organized an arson corps and set fire to buildings in the entire business district of Kweilin.


桂林については強制売春についても言及されています(They forced the women thus recruited into prostitution with Japanese troops.)。これなどは従軍慰安婦のことですね。


Count 49.

The same Defendants as in Count 48, prior to the 8th August, 1944, and on succeeding days, by unlawfully ordering, causing and permitting the armed force of Japan to attack the City of Hengyang in the Province of Hunan in breach of the Treaty Articles mentioned in Count 2 hereof and to slaughter the inhabitants contrary to international law, unlawfully killed and murdered many thousands of civilians and disarmed soldiers of the Republic of China, whose names and number are at present unknown.


衡陽陥落後に中国軍捕虜が多く虐殺されたという話は、1944年12月のオーストラリアの新聞 The Advertiserでも報道されてます。