
日本は体罰を禁止する法律を 子どもの権利委員会が勧告(2019年2月8日 5時11分児童虐待)
朝鮮学校を授業料無償化の対象に 子どもの権利委員会が勧告(2019年2月8日 5時40分)




Corporal punishment

25. The Committee notes that corporal punishment in schools is prohibited by law. However, it is seriously concerned that:
(a) The prohibition in schools is not effectively implemented;
(b) Corporal punishment in the home and in alternative care settings is not fully prohibited by law;
(c) The Civil Code and the Child Abuse Prevention Act, particularly, allow the use of appropriate discipline and are unclear as to the permissibility of corporal punishment.

26. With reference to its general comment No. 8 (2006) on corporal punishment, the Committee recalls its previous concluding recommendation (para. 48) and urges the State party to:
(a) Explicitly and fully prohibit all corporal punishment, however light, in law, particularly in the Child Abuse Prevention Act and the Civil Code, in all settings, including in the home, in alternative care and day care settings and in penal institutions;
(b) Strengthen its measures to eliminate corporal punishment in practice in all settings, including by intensifying its awareness-raising campaigns and promoting positive, non-violent and participatory forms of child-rearing and discipline.



39. Taking note of target 4.a of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly 4.a.2 on the percentage of students experiencing bullying, the Committee recalls its previous recommendations (paras.71, 75 and 76) and recommends that the State party:
(c) Review the standards to facilitate the extension of the “Tuition Waiver Programme” to Korean schools and ensure that access to university and college entrance examinations is non-discriminatory.


CRC/C/JPN/CO/4-5: Committee on the Rights of the Child /Concluding observations on the combined fourth and fifth periodic reports of Japan(ADVANCE UNEDITED VERSION)」のうち、個人的には「F. Family environment and alternative care (arts. 5, 9-11, 18 (1) and (2), 20-21, 25 and 27 (4))」の節も重要に感じています。

Family environment

27. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures, supported with adequate human, technical and financial resources to:
(a) Support and strengthen families, including by facilitating an appropriate balance between work and family life, provide sufficient social assistance, psychosocial support and guidance to families in need, also to prevent abandonment and institutionalization of children;
(b) Revise the legislation regulating parent-child relations after divorce in order to allow for shared custody of children when it is in the child’s best interests, including for foreign parents, and ensure that the right of the child to maintain personal relations and direct contact with his or her non-resident parent can be exercised on a regular basis;
(c) Strengthen law enforcement of court orders in domestic disputes, for instance on child maintenance;
(d) Consider ratifying the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance, the Hague Protocol of 23 November 2007 on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations and the Hague Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children.


(a) 適切なワークライフバランスをとりやすくすることを含め、家族を支援すること。また、子どもの放棄や収容*1を防ぐため、十分な社会的支援、心理的支援、及び必要に応じた家族へのガイダンスを提供すること。
(b) それが子の最善の利益に適う場合に離婚後も子の親権の共有することを認める親子関係調整立法(親が外国人である場合も含む)を行い、非同居親との個人的な関係を維持し直接面会できる権利が定期的に行使できるよう保障すること。
(c) 例えば子どもの保全などで、家庭内紛争事件における裁判所命令の執行力を強化すること。
(d) 2007年11月23日の養育費に関するハーグ条約*2、2007年11月23日の養育費に関するハーグ議定書*3、1996年10月19日の保護者責任に関するハーグ条約*4を批准すること。



Children deprived of a family environment

28. The Committee notes the 2016 amendment to the Child Welfare Act that introduced the principle of family-based care and the endorsement of the “New Vision for Alternative Care and the role of society in child well-being” in 2017, which states that children younger than six should not be institutionalised. However, the Committee is seriously concerned that:
(a) A reportedly high number of children are removed from the family; and that children may be removed from their family without a court order and can be placed in Child Guidance Centres for up to 2 months;
(b) A high number of children are still placed in institutions with inadequate standards and reported incidences of abuse of children, and without external monitoring and evaluation mechanisms;
(c) There is allegedly a strong financial incentive for the Child Guidance Centres to receive more children;
(d) Foster parents do not receive comprehensive support, adequate training and monitoring;
(e) Children placed in institutions are deprived of their right to keep contact with their biological parents;
(f) Child Guidance Centres are not clearly instructed to bring cases to family court when the biological parents oppose the child’s removal or when their decision on child’s placement is against the best interests of the child.


(a) かなりの数の子供が家庭から連行*6されていることが報告されている。それらは裁判所命令無しに連行され、最大2ヶ月児童相談所*7に収容されている。
(b) かなりの数の子どもが未だ不適切な基準の施設に収容されており、虐待の報告もあり、収容施設に対する第三者による監視評価もない。
(c) 児童相談所は予算確保のためにより多くの子供を収容しようとしているという噂がある。
(d) 里親が、包括的なサポートや適切な訓練を受けておらず、監視もされていない。
(e) 収容された子供には生物学的両親と連絡をとる権利が奪われている。
(f) 児童相談所は、生物学的両親が子の連行に反対した場合や子の居所決定が子の最善の利益に反する時に、家庭裁判所に申立てを起こすように明確な指導を受けていない。


29. Drawing the State party’s attention to the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children (see General Assembly resolution 64/142, annex), the Committee urges the State party to:
(a) Introduce a mandatory judicial review for determining whether a child should be removed from the family, set up clear criteria for removal of the child and ensure that children are separated from their parents as a measure of last resort only, when it is necessary for their protection and in their best interests, after hearing the child and its parents;
(b) Ensure the prompt and effective enforcement of the “New Vision for Alternative Care and the role of society in child well-being” with clear timelines, prompt deinstitutionalisation of children starting with those younger than six and the establishment of fostering agencies;
(c) Abolish the practice of temporary custody of children in Child Guidance Centres;
(d) Prevent, investigate and prosecute those responsible for child abuse in alternative care settings, ensure periodic independent external review of the placement of children in foster care and institutional settings, such as Child Guidance Centres, and monitor the quality of care therein, including by providing accessible and safe channels for reporting, monitoring and remedying maltreatment of children;
(e) Redirect financial resources from institutions to family-like settings, such as foster families, and strengthen the municipal capacity to implement deinstitutionalization and simultaneously strengthen family-based arrangements, ensuring that all foster parents receive comprehensive support, adequate training and monitoring;
(f) Amend the Foster Parent Placement Guidelines to clearly instruct Child Guidance Centres to bring cases to family court when the biological parents’ decision on children’s placement is against their best interests.


(a) 子どもを家族から連行するべきか否かを決定する際は司法審査を受ける義務を課すこと。子供を連行すべき基準を明確にし、子と親に対する聴取後に保護と最善の利益のために必要となった場合の最後の避難所としてのみ家族から子どもを連行することが認められるようにすること。
(c) 児童相談所の一時保護所は廃止すること。
(d) 代替的養護での虐待を防止し、調査し、責任者を処罰すること。里親及び児童相談所などの養護施設に対して第三者による定期的な監視を行い、子供に対する不当な取り扱いについて報告、監視、改善のためにアクセスしやすい安全な通報手段を確保することを含め、養護の質をモニターすること。
(e) 財源を施設から里親などの家族的環境に振り向け、全ての里親が包括的な支援、適切な訓練及び監視を受けることを保証すること。
(f) 里親委託ガイドラインを改正し、生物学的両親による子どもの措置に関する決定がこどもの最善の利益に反する場合には、児童相談所家庭裁判所に申立をするように明確に児童相談所を指導すること。





30. The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Ensure that all adoptions, including those by a lineal relative of the person or the guardian, are subject to judicial authorization and are in accordance with the best interests of the child;
(b) Maintain a registry of all adopted children and set up a Central Authority for intercountry adoption;
(c) Consider ratifying the 1993 Hague Convention No. 33 on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption.


(a) 全ての養子縁組(養子となる本人または保護者の直系親族による場合を含む)について、裁判所の許可に従うようにし、かつ、子どもの最前の利益に従ったものであるようにすること。
(b) 全ての養子の登録情報を保持し、国際養子縁組の中央当局を設置すること。
(c) 国際養子縁組の子どもの保護及び協力に関するハーグ第33号条約(1993年)を批准すること。


Illicit transfer and non-return

31. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary efforts to prevent and combat illicit transfer and non-return of children, harmonise its legislation with the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and ensure its proper and expeditious implementation of judicial decisions on return of children and contact rights. It further recommends that the State party strengthen dialogue and consultation with relevant countries, notably those with which the State party has signed an agreement regarding custody or visitation rights.








日本は体罰を禁止する法律を 子どもの権利委員会が勧告

2019年2月8日 5時11分児童虐待



朝鮮学校を授業料無償化の対象に 子どもの権利委員会が勧告

2019年2月8日 5時40分








