






Gandhi statue sparks tussle in Cerritos

A group of Indian immigrants wants a likeness of the nonviolent leader removed from an intersection because they say Gandhi perpetuated the caste system and was a Hitler ally.



October 13, 2013|By Marisa Gerber
B.J. Singh peeked down at the timer on the lectern. The mayor said everyone could speak for five minutes — not long when you're trying to unravel a lifetime of history lessons.


An Indian immigrant with a tiny American flag pinned to the lapel of his navy suit, Singh introduced himself, thanked the leaders of the city he's called home for 12 years and cut to the chase. Mohandas K. Gandhi, the Indian nonviolent leader, wasn't the man that city leaders think he is, Singh explained, before asking the mayor to remove a bronze statue of the world leader erected at an intersection in Cerritos.
What if somebody put up a statue of Hitler? Singh asked. "Or let's say Mao?"


A woman in the front row gasped at the comparisons. A man holding a dossier from the Coalition Against Gandhi Statues nodded and the City Council sat stone-faced — just as it would through another hour or so of feisty back-and-forths with roots half a world away.

最前列にいた女性はその比喩に驚いた。ガンジー像反対連合(Coalition Against Gandhi Statues)からの書類を持った男はうなづき、座っていた市議会議員は表情を失い、まるで世界の向こう側から来た人と激しい水掛け論に巻き込まれたかのような面持ちだった。

The impassioned meeting last month, followed two days later by a protest at City Hall, spotlighted the efforts of a fringe group of Indian immigrants working to change Gandhi's legacy. It's the latest in a string of foreign cultural conflicts that have through the years emigrated to the Southland with its patchwork of peoples.


In the late 1990s, protests roiled Orange County's Little Saigon — the most concentrated population of Vietnamese expatriates in the country — after a man posted a picture of communist leader Ho Chi Minh at his video store. In 2009, about a century after the Ottoman Empire massacred more than 1 million of their ancestors, Armenian Americans protested outside the Turkish Consulate on Wilshire Boulevard. And this summer, the city of Glendale waded into a fierce international dispute when officials unveiled plans to memorialize the "comfort women" used as sex slaves by the Japanese army during World War II.


And now, splintered views on Gandhi are causing a ruckus in southeast Los Angeles County.


The Organization for Minorities of India — the same group that has sought the removal of similar statues across the country and in Canada — holds that Gandhi perpetuated the caste system, allied himself with Adolf Hitler and was a sexual deviant who slept naked with his grandnieces.

全米やカナダなどで同様の肖像排除を求めたグループと同じグループであるインド少数民族機構(Organization for Minorities of India:OFMI)は、ガンジーカースト制度を永続させてアドルフ・ヒトラーと同盟し、彼の甥の娘で裸に眠った性的異常者だった、と主張している。

Although their efforts were unsuccessful in San Francisco, Ottawa and Michigan, Bhajan Singh Bhinder — one of the group's leaders who traveled from his home near Stockton to attend the council meeting — said their vigilance has helped scuttle plans to install statues in Texas and Las Vegas.
It makes a difference, he said. "It's not true that nobody listens to us."

そのような試みは、サンフランシスコ、オタワ、ミシガンでは失敗したが、 協議会参加のためにストックトン*1郊外からやってきたグループの指導者の一人であるBhajan Singh Bhinderは、自分たちの警告がテキサスやラスベガスでの肖像設置計画を急がせたと言われるがそれは違うと語る。

Although Gandhi has had some critics in India for years — a good number of whom are Dalits, or members of the lower castes, UCLA associate professor of history Vinay Lal said the Organization for Minorities of India takes a more dramatic stance than even that minority.

ガンジーに対してはインドでも長年何人かの批評家がおり、その多くはDalit(カースト制の外側にあり最も差別される不可触民)か、低カースト層であったが、UCLA歴史学准教授ビナイ・ラル(Vinay Lal)によれば、インド少数民族機構(OFMI)は少数民族の人たちよりも過激なスタンスをとっているという。

There are people that are ferociously opposed to Gandhi, Lal said. "But these people really go to the extreme.... There isn't this kind of anxiety in India."


Lal, who grew up in New Delhi and teaches courses on Gandhi, said the organization takes partial truths and arrives at flawed conclusions. Gandhi did once write a letter to Hitler asking him to reconsider his ways, Lal said, and he conducted an experiment in self-control by sleeping naked with young women.
Criticism isn't the problem, he said. "But their understanding of Gandhi is absolutely impoverished."


Back at the council meeting last month, Naresh Solanki listened in disbelief to statements from fellow immigrants who like him were taught to preface Gandhi's name with "Mahatma" — Sanskrit for "great soul."

先月の協議会の後に、Naresh Solankiは懇意の移民仲間からガンジーの名の前には「マハトマ」(サンスクリット語で「大人物」の意)とつけるんだとよ、不信そうに言うのを聞いた。

It's just crazy, said Solanki, who sits on Cerritos' Planning Commission. "It's not that Americans are against Indians. It's Indians against Indians."


Then came a speaker defending Gandhi and, eventually, a couple of others who pleaded for the statue's removal. When one faction clapped, the other clapped louder. Halfway through the meeting, Mayor Bruce W. Barrows reminded the audience that even if the city wanted to remove the statue, it couldn't.

それから、ガンジーを擁護する論者の他、結局肖像撤去要望を弁護する2〜3人が続いた。一方の論者が相手を非難すると、他方はより大声で非難し返した。協議会の中盤、Bruce W. Barrows市長は、聴衆にたとえ市が肖像撤去を望んだとしてもそれはできないと伝えた。

Installed as part of a Cerritos program that requires developers to either give money to the city's public art fund or pay to put in their own artwork, the Chugh Firm chose the latter and commissioned an Indian sculptor to make the piece. Though the law firm did need the council's blessing initially — it came in 2011 — Barrows said that because the statue is on private property the city doesn't have legal standing to remove it.
Even though the land belongs to the firm, it's still easily accessible from the public sidewalk.

作成者が市の公共アート基金献金するか自身で作品設置費用を負担するセリトス計画の一部として、ガンジーの肖像は設置されており、Chugh Firmは後者を選び肖像を作成するインド人彫刻家を任命している。Chugh Firmは最初(2011年)は市議会の賛意を必要としたが、Barrows市長は肖像は私財であるので市はそれを撤去する法的権限がないと語る。
たとえ土地はChugh Firm所有であっても、公道から容易にアクセスできる場所にある。

On a night in April, someone unhinged the 600-pound chunk of chiseled bronze from its concrete pedestal. The sheriff's detective who wrote the report on the incident said that although there were no leads in the case, he thinks someone planned to steal the statue and resell the metal but had trouble hoisting the heavy statue.


The firm didn't hear grumblings about the statue until after it was reinstalled over the summer, attorney Sherwood Tung said. But since the firm's views of Gandhi haven't changed, Tung said there were no plans to have it removed.

Sherwood Tung弁護士によると、夏に再度肖像が設置されるまで、Chugh Firmは肖像に対する不平は聞かなかったという。しかし、ガンジーに対するChugh Firmの見解は変わっていない、したがってガンジーの肖像を撤去する予定はない、とTung弁護士は語った。




In the late 1990s, protests roiled Orange County's Little Saigon — the most concentrated population of Vietnamese expatriates in the country — after a man posted a picture of communist leader Ho Chi Minh at his video store. In 2009, about a century after the Ottoman Empire massacred more than 1 million of their ancestors, Armenian Americans protested outside the Turkish Consulate on Wilshire Boulevard. And this summer, the city of Glendale waded into a fierce international dispute when officials unveiled plans to memorialize the "comfort women" used as sex slaves by the Japanese army during World War II.







