http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20150821/k10010197231000.html米国防長官 南シナ海「極めて深刻な事態」
8月21日 7時00分
Q: Mr. Secretary, I want to ask you about another one of your priorities, please, that hasn't come up so far, which is the rebalance to the Pacific and specifically the discussion inside the government about the way the U.S. should respond military to Chinese artificial islands in the South China Sea.
What do you believe the Navy should do in terms of sailing ships or flying aircraft close to those islands as a way for the United States to communicate to the Chinese in ways other than you've already done that it considers them unacceptable?
You were out in the region earlier this year. You talked about it in your speeches. Should the Navy do more physically there to respond?SEC. CARTER: Yeah, I made three points when I was out there, and I've reiterated them to Chinese leaders subsequently.
The first one, to get to the first part of your question, is that the United States will continue to fly, sail and operate wherever international law permits. As we've always the right to do, we will continue to do that, and none of this is going to change our conduct in anyway.
Second thing is that the -- we are very actively pursuing not only what I just described, which is our unilateral activities, but our multilateral activities with other countries in the South China Sea and others in the Asia-Pacific area for the very reason that they are very concerned about this Chinese behavior, which is not only concerning to us, but is also having the effect of strengthening our alliances and increasing the number and strength of our partnerships, and it'll -- will -- that will continue as well.
And the last thing is that we have called for all countries -- not just China, because there're others, but China is by far and away the one that has done the most, especially in the last year to stop dredging, stop any further militarization, not just stop temporarily, but stop permanently that.
And so that's our -- our -- our view. It's a very serious situation the Chinese have created there, and that's our -- our reaction to it.