ガーディアン紙のハロルド・ティンパリー(Harold Timperley)は1938年に南京事件を含む日本軍による被害を電報で発信しています。
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/oct/04/artsandhumanities.japanJapanese rewrite Guardian history
In a crucial cable - the first of three censored by the Japanese in Shanghai - he wrote on January 16 1938: "[A] survey by one competent foreign observer indicates [that] in [the] Yangtze delta no less than 300,000 Chinese civilians [have been] slaughtered, [in] many cases [in] cold blood."
"Since return (to) Shanghai (a) few days ago I investigated reported atrocities committed by Japanese Army in Nanking and elsewhere. Verbal accounts (of) reliable eye-witnesses and letters from individuals whose credibility (is) beyond question afford convincing proof (that) Japanese Army behaved and (is) continuing (to) behave in (a) fashion reminiscent (of) Attila (and) his Huns. (Not) less than three hundred thousand Chinese civilians slaughtered, many cases (in) cold blood. Robbery, rape, including children (of) tender years, an insensate brutality towards civilians continues (to) be reported from areas where actual hostilities ceased weeks ago. Deep shame which better type (of) Japanese civilian here feel - reprehensible conduct (of) Japanese troops elsewhere heightened by series (of) local incidents where Japanese soldiers run amock (in) Shanghai itself. Today North China Daily News reports (a) particularly revolting case where (a) drunken Japanese soldier, unable (to) obtain women and drink he demanded, shot (and) killed three Chinese women over sixty and wounded several other harmless civilians."
元のティンパリーの記事にあった「in [the] Yangtze delta」の文言は、日本外務省発信電報の添付記事には見当たりません。とは言え、「in Nanking and elsewhere」とも書かれていますので、南京に限定した文脈でもありません。
ティンパリーが1938年3月に挙げた「What War Means: The Japanese Terror in China」(日本語版:外国人の見た日本軍の暴行)には以下のように書かれています。
外国人の見た日本軍の暴行―実録・南京大虐殺 (1982年)
(P84、第六章 暗黒に鎖された城市)
要するに、ティンパリー記事にある「no less than 300,000 Chinese civilians」というのは、あくまで第二次上海事変から南京陥落までに戦場となった揚子江デルタでの中国人民間人の被害者数を指しており、南京事件の犠牲者数の一部と重複はしているでしょうが、一致するものではありません。
そもそも南京事件の犠牲者は軍民あわせての数ですので、「no less than 300,000 Chinese civilians」と比較できる性質のものでもありません。
ちなみに揚子江デルタでの中国民間人犠牲者数「no less than 300,000 Chinese civilians」ですが、1946年に中華民国国立中央研究院社会科学研究所が作成した「中国対日戦時損失之估計」に江蘇省の犠牲者193526人、浙江省の犠牲者104006人とあり、合計297532人の犠牲者数が集計されています*1。ただし「中国対日戦時損失之估計」は日中戦争全期間の犠牲者数で、しかも揚子江デルタに限定されません*2。一方で1937〜38年当時の中国の不完全な統計を考慮すると、1946年調査で全ての犠牲者を網羅できているかはかなり怪しいとも言えます。
ティンパリー記事「no less than 300,000 Chinese civilians」と「中国対日戦時損失之估計」の集計結果は、見た目の数字は30万人で一致しているものの定義や統計精度を考慮すると本質的な意味は異なっているという他ないでしょう。
見た目の数字は一致するが本質的な意味で異なっている、というのはティンパリー記事「no less than 300,000 Chinese civilians」と南京軍事法廷判決の南京事件犠牲者数30万人についても同じことが言えます。
「no less than 300,000 Chinese civilians」は「Yangtze delta」での犠牲者だとするガーディアン記事を、南京軍事法廷判決の犠牲者数30万人否定の根拠に使おうとする日本メディア
ティンパリーの1938年電報に「(Not) less than three hundred thousand Chinese civilians slaughtered」と書かれていることが明らかになったのは、保管していたアメリカ国立公文書記録管理局が1994年に公開して以降です。
その後2002年にガーディアン紙が、元の電報は「in [the] Yangtze delta no less than 300,000 Chinese civilians」であったものが日本当局が発信する際に「「in [the] Yangtze delta」が欠落したと報じました。
すると、そのガーディアン報道を日本メディアが「30万人殺害は長江デルタ 南京大虐殺で英記者電報」(共同、 2002/12/21)などと報じました。
ガーディアンが「no less than 300,000 Chinese civilians」は「Yangtze delta」での犠牲者だと報じている文脈はこれです。
The revisionist scholars accuse Timperley of inventing an improbably high total of 300,000 civilian deaths: the figure now used officially in China for the Nanjing massacre. The controversy about the number is then used to cast doubt on whether a massacre occurred at all.
But evidence found in the Guardian archives shows that Timperley used this figure to refer to the much larger number of civilian deaths throughout the Yangtze valley, rather than claiming that it was the death total for Nanjing alone.
Hundreds of disarmed Chinese soldiers and civilians who had worked for the army in a labour corps were roped together and killed.
The record of burials, said one observer quoted by Timperley, showed that "close to 40,000 unarmed persons were killed within and near the walls of Nanjing, of whom some 30% had never been soldiers."
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/oct/04/artsandhumanities.japanJapanese rewrite Guardian history
Nanjing massacre reports were false, revisionists claim
A pre-war Guardian correspondent who exposed the notorious Nanjing massacre by Japan's occupation army in China in 1937 has become the target of Japanese historians seeking to prove that it never took place.
Harold Timperley, the China correspondent of the Manchester Guardian (the newspaper's original name), chronicled the massacre in his dispatches from Shanghai and in a widely read book, The Japanese terror in China.
His cables reporting the massacre were censored by Japanese officials in Shanghai, provoking a diplomatic protest.
Timperley is accused of creating a "massacre myth" in a new book by a Japanese historian, Kitamura Minoru, who claims that he was an "agent of the Chinese Kuomintang" - the nationalist party then in government.The conservative Japanese journal Shokun says he was part of a conspiracy "to present Japan in the role of absolute evil".
This revisionist version of history says that only a few thousand Chinese were killed and that most of them were soldiers in the defeated nationalist army.
Last week was the 30th anniversary of Tokyo's restoration of relations with Beijing, but as Japan becomes more concerned about China's new strength and influence, there is a ready market for reinterpretations of the past.Timperley's book was based on the world of a small group of foreigners in Nanjing who risked their lives to protect thousands of civilians from rape and murder after the city - the capital of nationalist China - was occupied in December 1937.