


(3) Scarborough Shoal generates no entitlement to an exclusive economic zone or continental shelf;
(4) Mischief Reef, Second Thomas Shoal, and Subi Reef are low-tide elevations that do not generate entitlement to a territorial sea, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf, and are not features that are capable of appropriation by occupation or otherwise;
(5) Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal are part of the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the Philippines;
(6) Gaven Reef and McKennan Reef (including Hughes Reef) are low-tide elevations that do not generate entitlement to a territorial sea, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf, but their low-water line may be used to determine the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Namyit and Sin Cowe, respectively, is measured;
(7) Johnson Reef, Cuarteron Reef and Fiery Cross Reef generate no entitlement to an exclusive economic zone or continental shelf;



The Tribunal agreed with the Philippines that Scarborough Shoal, Johnson Reef, Cuarteron Reef, and Fiery Cross Reef are high-tide features and that Subi Reef, Hughes Reef, Mischief Reef, and Second Thomas Shoal were submerged at high tide in their natural condition. However, the Tribunal disagreed with the Philippines regarding the status of Gaven Reef (North) and McKennan Reef and concluded that both are high tide features.
Accordingly, the Tribunal concluded that all of the high-tide features in the Spratly Islands (including, for example, Itu Aba, Thitu, West York Island, Spratly Island, North-East Cay, South-West Cay) are legally “rocks” that do not generate an exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.
The Tribunal also held that the Convention does not provide for a group of islands such as the Spratly Islands to generate maritime zones collectively as a unit.



岩礁 フィリピンの主張 PCV判断 性格
Scarborough Shoal high-tide features agree
Johnson Reef high-tide features agree
Cuarteron Reef high-tide features agree
Fiery Cross Reef high-tide features agree
Subi Reef submerged at high tide agree 低潮高地
Hughes Reef submerged at high tide agree 低潮高地
Mischief Reef submerged at high tide agree 低潮高地
Second Thomas Shoal submerged at high tide agree 低潮高地
Gaven Reef (North) low-tide elevations high tide features
McKennan Reef low-tide elevations high tide features
Itu Aba -- “rocks”
Thitu -- “rocks”
West York Island -- “rocks”
Spratly Island -- “rocks”
North-East Cay -- “rocks”
South-West Cay -- “rocks”
その他全てのhigh-tide features -- “rocks”


岩礁 性格 実効支配国 別名 日本支配時名称
Scarborough Shoal 中国 黄岩島 -- --
Johnson Reef 中国 赤瓜礁 -- 埋め立て
Cuarteron Reef 中国 華陽礁 -- 埋め立て
Fiery Cross Reef 中国 永暑礁 -- 埋め立て
Subi Reef 低潮高地 中国 渚碧礁 -- 埋め立て
Hughes Reef 低潮高地 中国 東門礁 -- 埋め立て
Mischief Reef 低潮高地 中国 美済礁 -- 埋め立て
Second Thomas Shoal 低潮高地 フィリピン*1 仁愛礁 -- --
Gaven Reef (North) 中国 南薫礁 -- 埋め立て
McKennan Reef 中国 西門礁 -- --
Itu Aba 台湾 太平島 長島 --
Thitu フィリピン パガサ島 三角島 --
West York Island フィリピン リカス島 西青島 --
Spratly Island ベトナム スプラトリー(チュオンサ)島 西鳥島 --
North-East Cay フィリピン パローラ島 北二子島 --
South-West Cay ベトナム サウスウエスト島 南二子島 --

