Last year, I raised the issue of sexual violence in conflicts as a particularly insidious form of violence against women and girls. To our great dismay, sexual violence in many conflict areas continues, despite the heroic efforts of fearless advocates such as Dr. Denis Mukwege and Ms. Nadia Murad, the recipients of last year’s Nobel Prize for Peace.
By honoring them, the prize reminded the world that we are far from eliminating sexual violence as an instrument of war, that victims and survivors are in need of support and must not be forgotten.
The news of the prize would have made Grandma “Kim Bok-dong,” very happy even as she laid in her sick bed. She was one of the two dozen surviving victims of the “comfort women” during World War II and a fierce advocate for human rights. Sadly, she passed away in late January this year at the age of 93. Now, only 23 registered survivors remain, all in their late 80s and early 90s. The knowledge that they are departing from us without having their lifelong pain fully addressed is sad and deeply frustrating.
Last year, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination once again underlined the significance of a victim-centered approach with regard to the issue of “comfort women.” My government has humbly acknowledged that previous efforts on this issue had been grossly lacking in this regard, and we committed to the victim-centered approach in support of the survivors’ aspiration for justice based on historical truth. We are also honoring them by ensuring that their stories are not lost and current and future generations learn from their experience, and strengthening our contribution to the global women, peace and security agenda.
As a part of these efforts, my government launched a new initiative entitled “Action with Women and Peace” last year. There are two pillars to this initiative. One is to support projects that address the needs of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations. Under this pillar, we are supporting Rohingya refugee women through UNFPA and UNICEF. We hope to do more as more funding becomes available.
The second pillar is to create an international platform to discuss issues of critical importance to Women, Peace and Security agenda, including sexual violence in conflicts. We are planning to convene the 1st gathering of this initiative later this year. I hope this initiative will contribute to further enhancing the WPS agenda globally, in the run-up to the 20th Anniversary of the adoption of Security Council Resolution 1325 next year.
一切日本を非難することなく、Japanという単語すら使わず、ただ「My government has humbly acknowledged that previous efforts on this issue had been grossly lacking in this regard, and we committed to the victim-centered approach in support of the survivors’ aspiration for justice based on historical truth.」とだけ述べています。
はてなブックマーク - 韓国外相「慰安婦に寄り添う姿勢 著しく欠如」 | NHKニュース
https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190226-00000023-asahi-pol日本が韓国に申し入れ 慰安婦問題、国連での言及に対し
2/26(火) 11:01配信 朝日新聞デジタル
https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20190226/k10011828161000.html韓国外相「慰安婦に寄り添う姿勢 著しく欠如」
2019年2月26日 6時20分