
第二次上海事変時に上海南市に安全区を作ったジャキノ神父(Robert Jacquinot de Besange)について書かれた「The Jacquinot Safe Zone: Wartime Refugees in Shanghai」(Marcia R. Ristaino)という本があります。
1937年11月に作られたジャキノ安全区ですが、これに少し遅れて、そしてジャキノ安全区を参考にして南京にも安全区が作られます。このため、この本ではジャキノ安全区のコピーとして、南京(The Nanjing Safety Zone Unapproved (P81-92))、漢口(The Hankou Approved Safe Zone (P93-101))、その他(P102-103)を紹介しています。

The Jacquinot Safe Zone: Wartime Refugees in Shanghai

There have been many different estimates of the number of people killed in Nanjing. The count is determined by the quantity and quality of the available data and the vantage point, political leaning, or patriotic feelings of the one making the estimate. Rabe offered the low figure of 50,000-60,000, but this excluded the military fatalities and the many killings beyond his knowledge or viewing. The 1985 Massacre Memorial to the Nanjing victims has the figure 300,000 inscribed on its Façade. Nanjing University researchers, working with those from the famous Second Historical Archives in Nanjing, further researched the issue and put the number at 340,000. THe postwar Tokyo war crimes trial insisted that the number of civilians and prisoners of war indiscriminately killed during the first six weeks of the Japanese occupation was over 200,000.
In contrast to all of these estimates, Japanese revisionists have argued that the Nanjing Massacre is nothing but a historical fabrication, just as some have denied the existence of the European Holocaust. Others claim that the number killed was very small, with one account putting the figure at just 47 civilians killed by Japanese soldiers. Whatever the "correct" number, and many scholars and researchers seem to accept the figure produced at the Tokyo Trial, there can be no question that the Nanjing Massacre of 1937-38 was a horrific event.
