

大みそかに「前例ない」集団痴漢事件 オーストリア西部

AFP=時事 1/5(木) 6:22配信
 1年前の大みそかには、ドイツのケルン(Cologne)で主にアラブ人や北アフリカ人とみられる男らの集団が数百人の女性を襲い、痴漢行為に及ぶ事件が起きている。オーストリアの首都ウィーン(Vienna)の警察は同様の事件を防ぐため、先週の大みそか当日に携帯警報器6000個を配布していた。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News



Innsbruck women suffered at least 18 sex attacks amid New Year festivities (Published time: 4 Jan, 2017 22:13)
Austria investigates series of New Year's sexual assaults in Innsbruck(World News | Wed Jan 4, 2017 | 11:58am EST )
Austrian police searching for group of men 'of foreign appearance' over New Years Eve sexual assaults in Innsbruck(By Justin Huggler, Berlin 4 January 2017 • 9:53pm )

“Sex attacks(性攻撃)”とか“Sexual assaults(性的暴行)”とかの表現ばかりですね。当のAFPにしても英語での報道では“Sex attacks(性攻撃)”の表現(本文中では“Sexual assaults(性的暴行)”も)を使っています。

Austria police probe slew of NYE sex attacks

AFPJanuary 04, 2017
Vienna (AFP) - Austrian police are investigating an unprecedented number of sexual assaults carried out by a group of men on New Year's Eve in the western city of Innsbruck, an official said Wednesday.
Some 18 women reported having been groped by up to 10 individuals on Innsbruck's main square where around 25,000 gathered to ring in 2017, senior police official Ernst Kranebitter said.
We've not had anything like this happen here before, Kranebitter told AFP.
They were dancing around the victims and then suddenly grabbed their breast or stuck their hands between their legs. That's what made it hard for others to notice what was going on -- it all happened amid festivities.
The suspects have been described as being in their late teens, said Kranebitter.
Amateur video footage of the incidents has so far failed to help investigators identify the suspects because the image quality was too poor.
The assault came a year after hundreds of women were mugged and groped in a crowd of men of mainly Arab and north African appearance in the German city of Cologne on December 31.
To avoid a similar incident, police in Vienna distributed 6,000 pocket alarms on New Year's Eve last week to help prevent attacks.
Police presence had been boosted across Austria, including in Innsbruck, for the end-of-year festivities in the wake of a terror attack in neighbouring Germany in early December.


ちなみに日本語での性暴力表現が海外と異なるという件については、以前にも「英語圏では「sex slave」「sex abuse victim」、日本では「性的関係」「淫行」」という記事を挙げています。
英語圏では「sex slave」「sex abuse victim」と報じられても、日本では「少女と性的関係」とか「淫行」とかの表現で報じられ、英語圏での「Sex attacks」や「Sexual assaults」は、日本では「痴漢行為」と報じられるわけですね。


