
「賛同」は虚偽 東大阪市が米グレンデール市に抗議 姉妹都市解消も
2013.8.2 07:15




Proposed Installation of a Korean Sister City "Comfort Woman" Peace Monument
(1) Motion approving the installation of a Korean Sister City "Comfort Woman" Peace Monument within the newly dedicated Sister City area adjacent to the Adult Recreation Center ("ARC") at Central Park.


This report is being submitted to City Council for the approval of the installation of a Korean Sister City "Comfort Woman" Peace Monument within the newly dedicated Sister City area adjacent to the Adult Recreation Center ("ARC") at Central Park.


On September 6, 2011, Community Services and Parks (CSP) staff submitted a report to the City Council seeking direction on the City Council's interest in renaming Central Park as "Veterans Memorial Park". The Council opted to keep the name "Central Park". However, included in that report was a staff inquiry regarding dedication of a portion of an area adjacent to the ARC lower patio in Central Park as a potential site to showcase and honor Glendale's sister cities. The City of Glendale currently has a total of 6 sister cities in four countries (Armenia, Japan, Korea and Mexico). At that time, the City Council agreed that dedicating a portion of land near the ARC plaza for the acceptance and installation of memorials, monuments and/or artifacts representative of Glendale's sister city partners should be explored.
Until recently, there had been no follow-up action taken on designs, or formal approval to dedicate an area in the park for the purpose of sister city-related monuments and memorials. Earlier this year staff received a monument proposal from representatives of Glendale's Korean sister cities program. The request revolves around the donation and installation of a "Korean Comfort Women" Peace Monument.
As a result of this request staff revisited the earlier concept of allocating a portion of land in central park for a Sister City dedication which would also include a dedication to the Korean "Comfort Woman" peace monument. On March 26, 2013 the City Council approved a motion to dedicate a plot of land in Central Park adjacent to the Adult Recreation Center to be used for Sister City related memorials and monuments, which at the appropriate time, would include a Korean "Comfort Women" monument.
With this direction, Community Services & Parks, Public Works, Community Development, and Management Services staff moved forward on finalizing the development of a design plan for a dedicated sister city monument area in Central Park. The Korean Comfort Women memorial has been integrated into the Sister City design plan.
Since the designation of the sister city monument and memorial area at central park was approved, staff has seen a renewed interest in sister city relations with all six of Glendale's international partners. Each of our six sister cities has expressed an interest in developing a monument or memorial within the sister city park space in the near future.
A maintenance fund will be established to cover the cost of any general maintenance and any vandalism or graffiti removal. This fund will ensure that all maintenance costs related to sister cities monuments/ memorials are covered by our sister city partners.


Should the City Council approve the installation of the "Comfort Woman" peace monument, there would be no direct fiscal impact to the City. Unless otherwise directed by the City Council, any monument or memorial contemplated by any of the sister cities would have to be funded by private or non-City of Glendale sources and approved through the City of Glendale's normal review/approval process.
A maintenance fund will be established to cover the cost of any general maintenance and any vandalism or graffiti removal. This fund will ensure that all maintenance costs related to sister cities monuments/ memorials are covered by our sister city partners.


設置自体が韓国の姉妹都市からの提案とあることから、維持費用負担に関しても韓国の姉妹都市による基金が負担すると当然に解釈できます。“Each of our six sister cities has expressed an interest in developing a monument or memorial”と書かれているあたりが「大阪府東大阪市が設置に賛同したかのような虚偽の記述」に該当する箇所でしょうが、そもそも慰安婦の記念碑は、“Peace Monument”とあるように平和記念碑であって反対する理由がありませんから、特定の姉妹都市を除外して記載しようとは普通考えないでしょうね。

